"To transform students to competent professionals in the area of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering through excellence in pedagogical training and research so that they could become leaders in designing, building, and operating associated plants, as well as in R & D and academia."
- To impart the knowledge of fundamentals and complex engineering problems and solutions in the field of metallurgy and materials using modern tools
- To interact with neighboring industries and extend to them the expertise as and when needed for testing, consultancy, and other developmental work
- To generate data and enhance knowledge in metallurgical and materials engineering through independent research work
- To support the administration for the overall development of the department and implement Institute ethics, transparency and accountability
About the Department
The Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, one of the oldest Departments at National Institute of Technology, was established in the year 1965 with an objective to impart education and training in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering. The Department owes a lot to the vision of its founder Head, Prof. T. Ramchandran. The Department is very active in research activities and keeps abreast with the state-of-the-art developments in Engineering and Technology. The Department offers one UG program, three PG programs, master's by research, and PhD. Students are given intensive training in conventional metallurgy, involving both practical and theory. Starting with basic subjects, students are taught application oriented courses. The curriculum includes advanced topics in Metallurgy and Materials Engineering. Apart from undergoing industrial training, students are required to carry out the project work as part of their curriculum. Our alumni are employed in various fields, such as industries, academia, R&D institutes, government and public sector organizations. The department has been active in carrying out funded R&D projects and many facilities for research have been added in recent years. The Department has shown strong presence in the areas of corrosion, physical metallurgy, solidification, quenching, powder metallurgy, electrospinning of polymeric and ceramic nanofibers, metal joining and forming. Some of the advanced facilities include TEM, SEM, XRD, FTIR spectrometer, contact angle meter, optical microscopes and Instron. Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Association (MMEA) takes care of various students' activities of the Department and brings out an in house magazine NITKAST. The department library holds about 750 text books, back volumes and journals. The Department has an excellent academic atmosphere with qualified and motivated young faculty and hard working staff. The Surathkal Chapter of Indian Institute of Metals (IIM) regularly conducts technical meetings, workshops, industrial tours and visits for enriching the technical knowledge of students. During the last 54 years about 1420 graduates, 880 post graduates and 58 Ph.D. scholars have graduated from this department and have occupied positions of eminence in industries, R&D organizations and academic institutions
Programmes offerred
B.Tech. in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering (Year of starting: 1965)
M.Tech. in Materials Engineering (Year of starting: 1990)
M.Tech. in Materials Process Technology (Year of starting: 2023, previously offered as Process Metallurgy since 1972)
M.Tech. in Nanotechnology (Year of starting: 2011)
M.Tech.(by research) in Materials Engineering, Materials Process Technology (previously offered as Process Metallurgy), and Nanotechnology (Year of starting: 2005)
Ph.D. (Year of starting: 2003)