Dear Alumni,

We are sure you spent your golden time here and benefitted from the department.

There are several ways an alumni can wish to give back to his alma mater like
1. Delivering technical talks, helping faculty/ students understand the industrial needs
2. Helping students get internships
3. Helping students in industrial visits
4. Fund needy students
5. Help department in maintaining some equipments
6. Kick start research in new domains and converting patents into products
7. You may want to spread the word about what we do.


Contact us

Dr. Kumkum Banerjee, Head
Department of MME, NITK, Surathkal
P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangaluru - 575 025
Karnataka, India.
  • Hot line: +91-0824-2473050

Contact details for Placements and Internships


Faculty Co-ordinator: Dr. Saumen Mandal 

Student Co-ordinator: Yoganath P