Ceramics Engineering

Course Name: 

Ceramics Engineering (MT361)


B.Tech (MME)




Programme Core (PC)

Credits (L-T-P): 

(3-0-0) 3

Course Outcomes: 

CO1: Understand the engineering ceramics based on bonding, crystal structure and defects
CO2: Attain the knowledge of crystalline and amorphous ceramics particularly glasses and their applications
CO3: Acquire the knowledge about the processing/manufacturing of various engineering ceramics
CO4: Understand the basics of load bearing properties of various engineering ceramics and correlate them with their microstructure

Course modules and teaching hours: 

Module 1: (09 hours)
Ionic Bonding, Madelung Constant, Pauling’s Rules, Rock salt, Zinc Blende, CsCl , Fluorite and antifluorite

Module 2: (06 hours)
Perovskite, Spinel, ilmenite, rutile and alumina structures, Structures of Silicates, glasses, defects in ceramics

Module 3: (09 hours)
Ceramics microstructures, production of ceramics powders, forming process, thermal treatments, calcination, sintering, glazing

Module 4: (09 hours)
Tensile and compressive strengths, thermal stresses, creep, fatigue, fracture and toughening mechanisms

Module 5: (05 hours)
Presentation and Assignment


M. Baersoum, Fundamental of Ceramics, McGraw Hill, 1997
W.D Kingery, Introduction to Ceramics,Wiley Interscience, 1976
C. Barry Carter and M.Grant Norten, Ceramic Materials Science and Engineering, Springer, 2007
Willam D. Callister, Materials Science and Engineering- An introduction, Wiley, 2009


Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Total teaching hours: 


Contact us

Dr. Kumkum Banerjee, Head
Department of MME, NITK, Surathkal
P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangaluru - 575 025
Karnataka, India.
  • Hot line: +91-0824-2473050

Contact details for Placements and Internships

E.Mail: mme.placementcell@nitk.edu.in

Faculty Co-ordinator: Dr. Saumen Mandal 

Student Co-ordinator:  Abhijeet Dilip Sontakke