Metal Forming

Course Name: 

Metal Forming (MT363)


B.Tech (MME)




Programme Core (PC)

Credits (L-T-P): 

(3-0-0) 3

Course Outcomes: 

CO1: To gain an understanding and appreciation of the breadth and depth of metal forming processes
CO2: Recognize the strong interrelationships between material properties and deformation processes
CO3: To become familiar with some of the basic metal forming processes like extrusion, rolling, forging, wire drawing and sheet metal working
CO4: Identification of metal forming parameters such as friction, temperature, the resistance of the material etc., necessary for producing efficient, accurate and defect free product

Course modules and teaching hours: 

Module 1: Basic Concepts (10 hours)
Elasticity and plasticity, yield criterion theories for metal forming, hot, warm and cold working, ring compression test, temperature rise in deformation zone, superplasticity, force-stroke diagrams in forming, friction and lubrication in metal working processes

Module 2: Bulk Deformation processes (20 hours)
Forging, defects in forging, Extrusion, Rolling, drawing of rods, wire and tubes, dies, optimum die angle, bulk forming, numerical problems and design aspects in forming.

Module 3: Sheet Metal Working (6 hours)
Sheet metal forming, deep drawing, redrawing, limiting draw ratio, forming limit diagram, role of texture defects in sheet metal working, bending, shearing, rubber pad forming, stretch forming, and high energy rate forming, numerical problems and design aspects in forming.


G. E. Dieter and David Bacon, Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw-Hill, 1988, 3ed
Kurt Lange, Handbook of Metal Forming McGraw-Hill, 1985
W. F. Harsford & R M Caddell, Metal Forming Mechanics & Metallurgy, Prentice Hall, USA, 1993
Metals Handbook Vol. 14, Forming and Forging, ASM Metals Park, Ohio, 1988
T Altan, Metal Forming-Fundamentals and Applications, ASM Metals Park, Ohio, 1983


Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Total teaching hours: 


Contact us

Dr. Kumkum Banerjee, Head
Department of MME, NITK, Surathkal
P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangaluru - 575 025
Karnataka, India.
  • Hot line: +91-0824-2473050

Contact details for Placements and Internships


Faculty Co-ordinator: Dr. Saumen Mandal 

Student Co-ordinator:  Abhijeet Dilip Sontakke