Mechancial Behaviour & Design of Materials (MT704)
Course Name:
Mechancial Behaviour & Design of Materials
Credits (L-T-P):
Course Outcomes:
CO1: Understand the materials science fundamentals behind the plastic deformation behaviour of various engineering materials
CO2: Attain the knowledge of crystalline and amorphous ceramics particularly glasses and their applications
CO3: Acquire the knowledge about the fracture, fatigue and creep of various engineering materials
CO4: Understand the basics of load bearing properties of various engineering materials and their microstructure-properties correlation
Course modules and teaching hours:
Course and Evaluation Plan:
MT704 Mechanical Behaviour and Design of Materials (3-1-0) 4
Quiz I (4-5 weeks) - 30%
Fundamental of elastic and plastic deformation, dislocation theory, strengthening mechanisms Dislocations and plastic deformation, slip, torsion, CRSS, slip systems, strain hardening, recrystallization
Mid Sem (3-5 weeks) - 30%
Fundamentals of fracture, types of fractures, the theory of fracture.
Tensile behaviour and testing, temperature and strain rate effects, compression behaviour and testing, hardness testing, torsion testing, impact testing & transition temperature. Failure under combined stresses (triaxial), design against failure. Failure behaviour and fracture toughness testing.
End SEM (2-3 weeks) - 30 %
Concept of Fatigue & creep and its fundamentals + portion of Quiz 1 and Mid Sem
Time: as per the academic calendar (question paper pattern will be decided later)
Assignment: 10%
Books for Reference:
Mechanical Metallurgy - G. Dieter
Materials Science and Engineering-An Introduction - Willam D. Callister
Materials Science and Engineering - V. Raghavan
Materials & Design – Michael. F Ashby
This is a basic course in Materials Eng and standard textbooks are available.
I do follow the 3 textbooks mentioned above to teach this subject.
I will share the details of which topics covered from which book (out of 3) in each class so that it will be easier for you to follow.