Selvakumar Murugesan
Selvakumar Murugesan is an Assistant Professor at the National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) in the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering from December-2019. Prior to joining NITK, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Chair of Biomaterials, University of Bayreuth, Germany through the prestigious Alexander von Humboldt (AvH) Fellowship. Earlier, he had a couple of stints as a Postdoctoral Fellow at École Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada, and Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea. He earned his doctoral degree from the Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur in 2016. He has a Master’s degree in Materials Engineering from NITK and Bachelor degree in Polymer Technology from Anna University. Selvakumar has won the Gandhian Young Technology Innovation award in 2016 for his doctoral research. He is an interdisciplinary researcher who focuses on functional polymers for biomedical applications. He has published 32 full length articles in refereed journals and 4 book chapters. His research aims at understanding the mechanical and biological behaviour of biopolymers, copolymers, spider silk protein, nanostructured polymers, and their hybrids for regenerative medicine including 3D printing approaches. Currently, he has been guiding a couple of PhD students and eight master’s students have completed their research projects under his supervision. He has setup Functional Biomaterials Laboratory at NITK and received two international grants including BRICS.
Professional Experience:
- Pohang University of Science and Technology, South Korea
- Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada
- University of Bayreuth, Germany as a Alexander von Humboldt Fellow

Contact Details
Academic Background
Academic Backround:
- B.Tech Polymer Technology, Anna University, Chennai, 2009
- M.Tech Materials Engineering, National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, 2011
- Ph.D Functional Biomaterials, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, 2016
Areas of Interest
Areas of Interest:
Functional Materials for Tissue Regeneration; NICE Hydrogels; Silk Proteins; Biopolymers
Significant Projects
Significant Projects:
Two International Projects as PI (ongoing)
1. BRICS STI FRAMEWORK Grant jointly with the University of Campinas (Brazil) and Southwest University (China) in Tissue Regeneration, 2023–2026
2. India-Belarus Bilateral Grant with Belarusian State University in Hydrogels for Tissue Regeneration, 2023-2025
Book Chapters:
Supervision of Ph.D
Supervision of Ph.D:
3 (ongoing)
Text Books:
Significant Publications
Significant Publications:
1. Shetty, S., Selvakumar Murugesan., Salehi, S., Pellert, A., Scheibel, M., Scheibel, T., &Anandhan, S. (2022). Evaluation of piezoelectric behavior and biocompatibility of poly (vinylidene fluoride) ultrafine fibers with incorporated talc nanosheets. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2022 139(29), e52631.
2. Padil, Vinod Vellora Thekkae, Selvakumar Murugesan, Rafael Torres-Mendieta, Stanislaw Wacławek, Jun Young Cheong, Miroslav Cernik, and Rajender S. Varma. Sustainable and Safer Nanoclay Composites for Multifaceted Applications. Green Chemistry. 2022, 24(8), 3081-3114.
3. Purabi Bhagabati and Selvakumar Murugesan. Insight into Mechanical, Thermal and Electrical Properties of Peroxide Cured Chlorinated Polyethylene/Ethylene Methacrylate Copolymer Blend Vulcanizates. ACS Omega. 2021; 6(31), 20181-20191
4. Selvakumar Murugesan and Thomas Scheibel. Chitosan-based Nanocomposite for Medical Applications. Journal of Polymer Science. 2021; 59 (15), 1610-1642
5. George, G, Mahendran, A, Selvakumar Murugesan, Anandhan, S. Influence of multiwalled carbon nanotubes on the structure and properties of poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate-co-carbon monoxide) nanocomposites. Polymer Composites. 2021; 42 (9), 4412-4423
6. Selvakumar Murugesan and Thomas Scheibel. Copolymer/Clay Nanocomposites for Biomedical Applications. Advanced Functional Material. 2020; 30 (17), 1908101
7. Subramanian, Bhuvaneshwaran, Arun Prabhu Rameshbabu, Kuntal Ghosh, Pradeep K. Jha, Rakhi Jha, Selvakumar Murugesan and Santanu Chattopadhyay. Impact of styrene maleic anhydride (SMA) based hydrogel on rat fallopian tube as contraceptive implant with selective antimicrobial property. Materials Science and Engineering: C. 2019; 94, 94-107
8. Anas K, David S, Babu RR, Selvakumar Murugesan and Chattopadhyay, Energy dissipation characteristics of crosslinks in natural rubber: an assessment using low and high-frequency analyzer. Journal of Polymer Engineering. 2018, 38(8), 723-729
9. Selvakumar Murugesan, Das B, Dhara S and Chattopadhyay S. Structurally Tuned Antimicrobial Mesoporous Hydroxyapatite Nanorods by Cyclic Oligosaccharides Regulation To Release a Drug for Osteomyelitis. ACS Crystal Growth &Design. 2017; 17(2), 433-445.
10. Selvakumar Murugesan, Jaganathan SK, Nando GB and Chattopadhyay S. Synthesis and characterization of novel polycarbonate based polyurethane/polymer wrapped hydroxyapatite nanocomposites: mechanical properties, osteoconductivity and biocompatibility. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 2015; 11(2), 291-305.
11. Selvakumar Murugesan and Caroline D. Hoemann. Usage of Chitosan-based Nano Substrate for Regenerative Medicines: Teaching Old Dog New Tricks. Biomaterials Science. 2019.
12. Karthik Sampath, Avijit Jana, Selvakumar Murugesan, Venkatesh Yarra, Amrita Paul, Sheriff Shah and Pradeep N.D. Singh. Coumarin Polycaprolactone Polymeric Nanoparticles: Light and Tumor microenvironment activated Cocktail Drug Delivery. Journal of Material Chemistry B 2017; 5(9), 1734-1741.
13. Selvakumar Murugesan, Mahendran A, Bhagabati P and Anandhan S. Thermodynamic Miscibility and Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Poly (ethylene‐co‐vinyl acetate‐co‐carbon monoxide)/Poly (vinyl chloride) Blends. Advances in Polymer Technology 2015; 34, 21467 (1-14).
14. Kumar PS, Selvakumar Murugesan, Babu SG, Induja S and Karuthapandian S. CuO/ZnO nanorods: An affordable efficient pn heterojunction and morphology dependent photocatalytic activity against organic contaminants. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017; 701, 562-573.
15. Kumar PS, Selvakumar Murugesan, Babu SG and Karuthapandian S. Veteran cupric oxide with new morphology and modified bandgap for superior photocatalytic activity against different kinds of organic contaminants (acidic, azo and triphenylmethane dyes). Materials Research Bulletin 2016; 83, 522-533.
16. Kumar PS, Selvakumar Murugesan, Babu SG, Jaganathan SK, Karuthapandian S and Chattopadhyay S. Novel CuO/chitosan nanocomposite thin film: facile hand-picking recoverable, efficient and reusable heterogeneous photocatalyst. RSC Advances 2015; 5, 57493-501.
17. Kumar PS, Selvakumar Murugesan, Bhagabati P, Bharathi B, Karuthapandian S and Balakumar S. CdO/ZnO nanohybrids: facile synthesis and morphologically enhanced photocatalytic performance. RSC Advances 2014; 4, 32977-32986.
18. Kumar PS, Selvakumar Murugesan, Babu SG, Karuthapandian S and Chattopadhyay S. CdO nanospheres: Facile synthesis and bandgap modification for the superior photocatalytic activity. Materials Letters 2015; 151, 45-48.
19. Patil AG, Selvakumar Murugesan and Anandhan S. Characterization of composites based on biodegradable poly (vinyl alcohol) and nanostructured fly ash with an emphasis on polymer–filler interaction. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 2016; 29 (10), 1392-1415.
20. George G, Selvakumar Murugesan, Mahendran A and Anandhan S. Structure–property relationship of halloysite nanotubes/ethylene–vinyl acetate–carbon monoxide terpolymer nanocomposites. Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials 2017; 30 (1), 121-140.
21. Panja S, Nayak S, Ghosh S, Selvakumar Murugesan and Chattopadhyay S. Self-assembly of a biodegradable branched PE-PCL-b-PEC amphiphilic polymer: synthesis, characterization and targeted delivery of doxorubicin to cancer cells. RSC Advances 2014; 4(93), 51766-51775.
22. Senthil Kumar P, Sobiya S, Selvakumar Murugesan, Ganesh Babu S and Karuthapandian S. Hierarchically Structured CuO/g-C3N4 Heterogeneous Semiconductor Photocatalyst with Improved Photocatalytic Activity and Stability. Energy and Environment Focus. 2016; 5(2), 139-149.
23. Sathishkumar G, Jha PK, Vignesh V, Rajkuberan C, Jeyaraj M, Selvakumar Murugesan, Jha R and Sivaramakrishnan S. Cannonball fruit (Couroupita guianensis, Aubl.) extract mediated synthesis of gold nanoparticles and evaluation of its antioxidant activity. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2016, 31(215), 229-236.
24. Patil AG, Mahendran A, Selvakumar Murugesan and Anandhan S. Ductility and Flame Retardancy Enhancement of PVC by Nanostructured Fly Ash. Silicon. 2016;1-11.
25. Sathishkumar G, Bharti R, Jha PK, Selvakumar Murugesan, Dey G and Jha R. Dietary flavone Chrysin (5, 7-Dihydroxyflavone ChR) functionalized highly-stable metal nanoformulations for improved anticancer applications. RSC Advances. 2015; 5(109), 89869-89878.
26. Bajpai O, Kamdi J, Selvakumar Murugesan, Ram S, Khastgir D and Chattopadhyay S. Effect of surface modification of BiFeO3 on the dielectric, ferroelectric, magneto-dielectric properties of polyvinylacetate/BiFeO3 nanocomposites. Express Polym Lett 2014; 8 (9), 669-681.
27. Balaji A, Jaganathan S, Vellayappan M, John A, Subramanian A and Selvakumar Murugesan. Prospects of common biomolecules as coating substances for polymeric biomaterials. RSC Advances 2015; 5(85), 69660-69679.
28. Jaganathan SK, Supriyanto E, Selvakumar Murugesan, Balaji A and Asokan MK. Biomaterials in cardiovascular research: applications and clinical implications. Biomed Res Int 2014; 2014.
29. Jaganathan SK, Mohandas H, Sivakumar G, Kasi P, Sudheer T, Selvakumar Murugesan and Avineri Veetil S. Enhanced Blood Compatibility of Metallocene Polyethylene Subjected to Hydrochloric Acid Treatment for Cardiovascular Implants. Biomed Res Int 2014; 2014.
30. Balaji A, Vellayappan MV, John AA, Subramanian AP, Jaganathan SK and Selvakumar Murugesan. Biomaterials based nano-applications of Aloe vera and its perspective: a review. RSC Advances. 2015; 5, 86199-86213.
31. Vellayappan MV, Balaji A, Subramanian AP, John AA, Jaganathan SK and Selvakumar Murugesan. Tangible nanocomposites with diverse properties for heart valve application. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 2015; 16, 33504-33510.
32. Vellayappan MV, Balaji A, Subramanian AP, John AA, Jaganathan SK and Selvakumar Murugesan. Multifaceted prospects of nanocomposites for cardiovascular grafts and stents. International journal of nanomedicine 2015; 10, 2785-2789.
Gandian Young Technology Innovation (GYTI) - 2016
Alexander von Humboldt Fellow - 2017
Alexander von Humboldt Renewed Research Stay - 2023 Summer at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg