Preetham Kumar G V
Professional Experience:
13.5 years of Professional experience out of which 10 years at NITK.

Contact Details
Academic Background
Academic Backround:
• Ph.D from IIT Madras & Year of Completion, 2011.
• M.Tech from NITK & Year of Passing, 2005
Areas of Interest
Areas of Interest:
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties Correlation, Mechanical Testing of Materials, Severe Plastic Deformation
Book Chapters:
Supervision of Ph.D
Supervision of Ph.D:
On-going 1
Significant Publications
Significant Publications:
Grain refinement in commercial purity titanium sheets by constrained groove pressing Kumar, GV Preetham; Niranjan, Ganesh G; Uday, Chakkingal; Materials Science Forum 683 233-242 2011 Trans Tech Publications Ltd
Effect of multi directional forging on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Zn-24 wt% Al-2 wt% Cu alloy Sharath, PC; Udupa, K Rajendra; Kumar, GV Preetham; Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 70 89-96 2017 Springer India
Microstructure and wear performance of ECAP processed cast Al–Zn–Mg alloys Manjunath, GK; Udaya Bhat, K; Preetham Kumar, GV; Ramesh, MR; Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 71 1919-1931 2018 Springer India
Tensile properties and tensile fracture characteristics of cast Al–Zn–Mg alloys processed by equal channel angular pressing Manjunath, GK; Preetham Kumar, GV; Udaya Bhat, K; Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 70 833-842 2017 Springer India
Microstructure evolution in cast Al-Zn-Mg alloys processed by equal channel angular pressing Manjunath, GK; Udaya Bhat, K; Preetham Kumar, GV; Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis 7 77-87 2018 Springer US
Effect of SiC reinforcement on microstructure and mechanical properties of aluminum metal matrix composite Ajagol, Pavitra; Anjan, BN; Marigoudar, Rajaneesh N; Kumar, GV Preetham; IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 376 1 12057 2018 IOP Publishing
Microstructure and mechanical properties of cast Al-5Zn-2Mg alloy subjected to equal-channel angular pressing Manjunath, GK; Preetham Kumar, GV; Udaya Bhat, K; Huilgol, Prashant; Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 27 5644-5655 2018 Springer US
Effect of grain refinement on material properties of Mg-8% Al-0.5% Zn alloy after the combined processes of multi-direction forging and equal channel angular pressing Naik, Gajanan M; Anjan, BN; Narendranath, S; GV, Preetham Kumar; Materials Research Express 6 9 96538 2019 IOP Publishing
Effect of Multi-Axial Room-Temperature Forging on Scratch Hardness and Wear Properties of Hypoeutectic Al-7.3 Si and Eutectic Al-12.1 Si Alloys Kumara, B; Kumar, GV Preetham; Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 01-Nov 2023 Springer US New York
Effect of Samarium (Sm) Addition on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AA5083 Alloy Aravindh, G; Kumar, GV Preetham; Udaya Bhat, K; International Journal of Metalcasting Jan-18 2023 Springer International Publishing Cham