Sumanth Govindarajan
Professional Experience:
Total 6 Years and at NITK 4 Years

Contact Details
Academic Background
Academic Backround:
• Ph.D.Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 2017
• M.E. Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 2008
• B.E. National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal 2006
Areas of Interest
Areas of Interest:
Degradation and failures of engineering components; Surface engineering; Material characterization;
Supervision of Ph.D
Supervision of Ph.D:
2 ongoing
Significant Publications
Significant Publications:
1. Micro-mechanisms of damage nucleation during contact deformation of columnar multilayer nitride coatings. Authors: N. Verma*, S. Cadambi, V. Jayaram and S.K Biswas Acta Materialia, V-60 2012, 3063 to 3073, DOI:10.1016/j.actamat.2012.02.011
2. Effect of humidity of wear of TiN coatings: Role of capillary condensation Authors: S. Govindarajan*, V. Jayaram, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, December 2018, Volume 49, Issue 12, pp 6084–6092 DOI:
3) Tribological Behaviour of Graphite-Reinforced FeNiCrCuMo High-Entropy Alloy Self-Lubricating Composites for Aircraft Braking Energy Applications
TR Prabhu, M Arivarasu, Y Chodancar, N Arivazhagan, G Sumanth, RK Mishra, Tribology Letters 67 (3), 78 13 2019
4) Failure Analysis of Cooling Tower Fan-Arm, B Padasale, JKR Kumar, PR Sondar, S Govindarajan, SR Hegde Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention 20 (4), 1417-1425 1 2020
5) Synergistic effects of iron and hexagonal-Boron Nitride additions in copper-based composites for braking application S Govindarajan, K Syamkumar, N Lamture, SS Kale, T Ram Prabhu Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology 2022
6) Basavaraj Padasale, Gurunath S. Kulkarni, J.K. Rakshan Kumar, Sumanth Govindaran, Subray R. Hegde, Failure Analysis of a Fire Water Jockey Pump Shaft, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2022,
1) Determining the solidification characteristics of Manganese bronze (MAB) alloy using computer-aided cooling curve analysis SM Anas, S Johnson, R Jose, B Sachin, S Govindarajan, V Vijayan, Materials Today: Proceedings 52, 2095-2101 2022
2) Failures Investigation of Marine Propellers in Corrosive Environments VU Mirashi, S Johnson, SR Hegde, V Vijayan, S Govindarajan Processing and Characterization of Materials, 37-46
• JEE 2002- AIR 3998
• GATE 2005 (Metallurgy) - AIR 6