Udaya Bhat K.
Address: Dept of Metallurgical and Materials Engg
NITK Suratkal, 575 025.
0824-2474000, ext 3050/3761. 9480055475
email: udayabhatk@nitk.edu.in, udayabhatk@gmail.com,
From Jan 1, 2024: Dean (Research & Consultancy), NITK
Professional Experience:
30 years of Professional experience out of which 26 years at NITK

Contact Details
Academic Background
Academic Backround:
• Ph.D. (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2008)
• M.B.A. (IGNOU, New Delhi, 2003)
• M.E. (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 1994)
• B.E (K.R.E.C., Mangalore University, 1992)
Areas of Interest
Areas of Interest:
Physical Metallurgy, Mechanical Metallurgy, Welding, Surface Engineering, Antimicrobial Surfaces, Electron Microscopy.
Significant Projects
Significant Projects:
Research projects involved:
1. Intra NIT (NITK Surathkal and NIT Tiruchy) research project on “High Temperature Wear and Corrosion Studies of Al-TiB2 and Al-ZrB2 Insitu composites”, in 2008.
2. Coordinator for DST-FIST project on Transmission Electron Microscopy, (SR/FST/ETI-257/2009 dtd 13-01-2010)
3. Coordinator for DST-FIST project on ‘Strengthening the Research Facilities in the Department’, SR/FST/ETII/2017/97 (c) dtd 13/03/2018. Rs. 297 lakhs.
4. Laser Shock Peening technique for surface treatment of welded SS parts; Sponsor: Institute for Plasma Research, (Role:Co-PI) Amount. Rs. 15.24 lakhs (NFP2010-11/AUG/04 dtd 10-09-10)
5. Friction Stir Processing of Steels for Surface Alloying and Wear Resistance, Sponsor: Ministry of Defence - Naval Research Board, Role: PI, Amount: Rs. 7,95,800=00 (DNRD/05/4003/NRB/211 dtd 23-05-2011)
6. Development of copper coatings on 316 stainless steels for antimicrobial applications: KSCST, IISc., Bangalore, 42S_BE_1854 (2018-19): Rs. 7,500/-
7. Centre of Excellence for Development of Antimicrobial Active Surfaces for Health Care Applications (GRD-639): VGST, Govt of Karnataka. Amount 60,00,000. Duration 2019-21.
8. Surface integrity studies during milling of magnesium alloys used in aerospace applications for improved functional performance (ARDB/01/2031909/M/I dtd 16th May 2019, Amount :12.939 lacs, (Role CoPI), (PI Dr. Srinivasa Pai P)
Book Chapters:
Supervision of Ph.D
Supervision of Ph.D:
• 13 (Awarded)
• 07 (Ongoing)
Significant Publications
Significant Publications:
1. Naveen Bharadishettar, Spandana Bhat K, Udaya Bhat K Development of adherent antimicrobial copper coatings on stainless steel for healthcare applications" Journal of Materials Science, 2023, 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-023-09009-x.
2. Vikas Marakini, Srinivasa Pai P, Udaya Bhat K, Dinesh Singh Thakur, Bhaskara P Achar, High speed face milling of AZ91 Mg alloy: Surface integrity investigations. International Journal of Lightweight materials and Manufacture. V5, No 4, Dec 2022, p528-542, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijlmm.2022.06.006.
3. Raghul A, Udaya Bhat K Sridhar Balaram: TEMP/E1/8768/2019CHE
Method and System for Fabricating a Structure Using Additive Manufacturing Wastes of C300 Maraging Steel: Submission date :08/03/2019 (Patent filed)
4. Satish Kumar D, S Manjini, Udaya Bhat K, Development of Industrial ferritic rolling process for IF grade steel, Iron making and Steel making, 2020. Pp1-8. https://doi.org/1080/03019233.2020.1793290
5. C Prabukumar, Udaya Bhat K: Beneficial effect of Manganese (II) ions on the morphology of polyol synthesized silver nanowires, Electronic Materials letters (J No 13391), article 211.https://doi.org/10.1007/s13391-020-0211-6
6. S Meti, Udaya Bhat K, MR Rahaman, Colossal dielectric permittivity of Nylon 6 matrix based composites with nanoTiO2 fillers, App Phys A, 2020, 126 (4), 264, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00339-020-3445-4
7. Prashanth Huilgol, K Rajendra Udupa, Udaya Bhat K, Microstructural investigations on the hot dip aluminized AISI 321 stainless steel after diffusion treatment, Surface & coatings Technology, 2019, 375, 544-553, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.surfacoat.2019.07.31
8. G K Manjunath, Prashanth Huilgol, G V Preetham Kumar and K Udaya Bhat: Precipitate evolution during severe plastic deformation of cast Al-Zn-Mg alloys and their thermal stability, Materials Research Express, 6(1), (2018) 016511, https://doi.org/10.1088/2053.1591/aae2a0
9. Sunil Meti, M R Rizwan, Imtiyaz Ahmad, Udaya Bhat K Chemical free synthesis of graphene oxide in the preparation of reduced graphene oxide – zinc oxide nanocomposite with improved photocatalytic properties, Applied Surface Science, 451, 2018, 67-75. doi: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2018.04.138.
10. Sudhish. R and Udaya Bhat K, Microstructure evolution in Al 6061 coating deposited on Al 2024 substrate by friction surfacing, Materials Today Communications, 2022, 31, 103354, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2022.103354
Funded Projects (Completed):
Conducted 8 workshops,
Incharge for TEM, XRD facilities
Coordinator for FIST -1 and FIST 2 for the Department of Met & Matls Engg.
Former Chairman of Central Research Facility (Proposal submission, Planning and Execution of 80 crore project)
Former Head - Dept of Metallurgical & Materials Engg.
Former Member- BOG NITK Surathkal