Quantum Theory of Nanoscale Materials

Course Name: 

Quantum Theory of Nanoscale Materials (NT701)


M.Tech. in Nanotechnology




Programme Core (PC)

Credits (L-T-P): 

(3-1-0) 4

Course modules and teaching hours: 

Introduction to quantum mechanics, Schrodinger equation, uncertainty principle, bound states of 3 D potential wells and periodic potentials, angular momentum, quantum statistics; perturbation theory, electronic band structures in semiconductors, metals, organic materials and nanostructures; vibrational properties of solids; light-matter interaction; electronic bonding; electronic, optical and magnetic properties of nanomaterials.


B. Rogers, S. Pennathur and J.Adams, Nanotechnology: Understanding small systems, CRC Press, 2008.
Dieter Vollath, Nanomaterials: An introduction to synthesis, properties & applications, Wiley-VCH, 2008.
M. F. Ashby, P. J. Ferreira, D. L. Schodek, Nanomaterials, Nanotechnologies and design, Elsevier, 2009.


Metallurgical and Materials Engineering

Contact us

Dr. Kumkum Banerjee, Head
Department of MME, NITK, Surathkal
P. O. Srinivasnagar, Mangaluru - 575 025
Karnataka, India.
  • Hot line: +91-0824-2473050

Contact details for Placements and Internships

E.Mail: mme.placementcell@nitk.edu.in

Faculty Co-ordinator: Dr. Saumen Mandal 

Student Co-ordinator:  Abhijeet Dilip Sontakke